When you pay the bills you must:

  • Be sure you are there to receive the mail
  • Keep the paperwork organized—both the paid and unpaid bills
  • Be free enough to pay attention to due dates
  • Have time to sit and write out checks, stuff and mail them

These are things which may not easily occur if you’re actively running your business without an in-house bookkeeper.

It is not uncommon for business owners to get behind on their bills—not because they can’t afford to pay them, but because they are too busy to attend to them on a regular basis. The end result can be late fees, higher finance charges, and lowered credit scores.


When we pay your bills we start by doing one of three things:

  • Have your billing address changed so your bills come directly to our office in Medford, NJ, eliminating the chance you might misplace a bill
  • Alternatively, you can place the bills you receive in a pre-paid mailer as they arrive and send them to us at pre-arranged intervals.
  • Or, if you’re one of those techies, you can scan and email us your bills


Our staff will then:

  • No matter how we have received the bills, our staff enters them into QuickBooks as bills to be paid
  • Pays them as they come due, in coordination with your direction and cash flow, using your checking account, bank account bill-pay service, or electronic funds transfers.
  • Returns any originals with check stubs or web confirmations attached, labeled in files, ready for your filing cabinet, or sends a printout of what bills were paid, and on what date.

In addition, we stay in close contact via email or phone so you can dictate activity as needed.